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Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #Goal4 Quality Education

Apart from improving education rates in Guatemala, the project aims to really prepare children for society with an efficient and relevant education, with derarrollo personal values, social responsibility etc. Through conducting theoretical and practical lessons, games and dynamic workshops on arts (music, dance, literature, painting), sports or languages.
The aim is to open the minds of children, to give them the freedom to dream, to encourage them to strive whether can convert all your dreams into reality.

Sustainable Development Goal #SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Workshops promoting entrepreneurship, leadership, use of existing resources through which people in the community can create or strengthen its own source of revenue, generating vision of entrepreneurship and economic growth. Training in basic computer skills, mobile devices, personal finance, banking services, sales strategies.

Sustainable Development Goal #SDG10 Reduced Inequalities

Dynamic to understand, eliminate, prevent, raise awareness and fight against inequalities. Empower minorities so that they take ownership of their existing rights, how to claim and exercise, thus ensuring a more inclusive and equitable society.

Sustainable Development Goal #SDG17 Partnership for the goals

Support administrative, economic weaknesses, management, structure, consolidation and positioning with NGOs and with them to increase the positive impact they generate through their projects and support for the Sustainable Development Goals. The intercambista is responsible for establishing an operational planning to help improve and expand the promotion of the activities planned with NGOs, conducting marketing strategies, human and financial resources.

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